My journalism has appeared in more than 30 publications including The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Canberra Times, Herald Sun, The Australian, The Bulletin, FHM, Zoo, Penthouse Australia, Australian Rolling Stone, Empire, Cream, Triple J Magazine, The Vine, Women's Health, Inside Sport, Australian Tennis Magazine, Jetstar Magazine and Qantas: the Australian Way.
This website's main features are a small portfolio of my selected work from the last decade and a blog that formerly functioned as an extended discussion of any particularly interesting (to me, at least) feature articles I involved myself with. Superseding that darkly taxing incarnation of the blog is a reincarnation that promises a lot less. Specifically, in fact, nothing. By way of analogy, it perhaps harks to the demos, outtakes, B-sides, C-cides and miscellaneous artefacts - cigarette butts, fishing tackle and soiled serviettes - one might find in the pursuit of a musical act's discography.